Happy Halloween!!

Tonight was grown-up Halloween in Dawson. Went to the local bar-had a great time. Dawson rocks. So do singapore slings:)
Don't we look hot! Scott thought he looked "fruity" and wouldn't take his pants off all night (he had tights for the costume underneath). Personally, I had too many skirts on! I was so hot all night, except when we were outside (-20 or so) and then I was freezing! I suppose we'll let him pick the costumes next year. I'm glad we came home when we did because the aurora was spectacular: 3 colours and moving and unbelievable speeds all over the sky. Amazing.
Change of subject: so, my doctor gave me a new drug for my back called neurontin. It's actually an anti-seizure medication but apparently also affects people with various nerve damage or something like that. Anyways...it's the best thing ever. Doesn't get me stoned, totally takes the pain away in my back, and gives me a clarity I am unaccustomed to. In fact, yesterday I took my very first university exam and got 88.3%, with the drug. Nice, huh?
Another change of subject: many of you will be happy to know that we ordered Carcassonne along with 2 expansion packs (and of course enough MTG booster packs for a draft). So next Saturday night is officially games night at our place if any of you can make it out (lol!) you're welcome to come(still laughing). Bring chains.