I'm Back!!!

Vancouver sucks, in case you didn't already know. I may have got 8 hours sleep since I left on Friday-the first night was quite pleasant in Whitehorse but the second night I didn't sleep hardly at all (nervous) and my flight was early the next day. Vancouver was a crazy blur but I got to visit with my daughter, Moe who is 16 now and has nearly that many piercings (I love it), my best friend Jeremy, and one of Scott's best friends, Andrew. Both Jeremy and Andrew were kind enough to chauffeur me around town (thank goodness I didn't have to drive) so thanks guys! I also got to see one of my very first boyfriends, Carl, which was great, too. I ate sushi and greek and very nearly got my nose pierced (decided to save it for Whitehorse at Christmas). Unfortunately my hotel room was right by the hospital, due to my reason for being there, and Moe and I didn't sleep at all because of the constant ambulance sirens. I arrived in Whitehorse just past 1 am this morning and flew out again just after 8 am.
My appointment in Vancouver did not go as well as planned. The surgeon was very nice (named Scott) but informed me that if he operated on my back it was unlikely I would get much relief and may, in fact, cause me more problems. He still has referred me for an MRI (yet another Vancouver trip-yuck!) to be absolutely sure he can't help me. This is very depressing as I had been led to believe that this was the answer and so we spent a small fortune on the trip down there. He did however, let me know that in some years my disk would totally disintegrate and my vertabrae would fuse and then I would likely become pain-free or at least see an improvement in the amount of pain I have though I would lose some range of motion. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. Anybody reading this that has any experience with this sort of problem (degenerative disk disease), your advice would be appreciated. Anyways....
Got a bit of a scare on the way back. They put extra fuel in the plane because Dawson had such a low ceiling they weren't sure they'd be able to land and if they couldn't those of us scheduled to depart the plane here would have had to continue on to Old Crow and Inuvik (might have been cool) before coming back to Dawson late this afternoon. Luckily that did not happen. When I got here Scott was there to pick me up...I missed him sooo much. And since we've got home I've been finding little love notes hidden all over the house saying why he loves me. I'm so lucky. Luckiest girl ever. Okay...well perhaps Zoe with her most recent post is tied with me for the Luckiest Girl Ever title.
Hope you all had a fantabulous weekend.
There's no place like home.
You do sound like a lucky girl, Scott sounds like a keeper.
My brother has degenerative disk disease, but we don't seem to know too much about it. I know he is in horrible pain most of the time. I don't think it helps any that he is a mechanical contractor/plumber, and he is alwasy lifting very heavy things like boilers. I know he uses something called a tens machine, which seems to provide some relief. For more info on tens machines go here.
You're daugher looks like a cool kid.
Thanks Zoe! I looked up this 'tens machine' and it sounds suspiciously like something they sell called Dr. Ho's massage machine or something like that. I borrowed one of those years ago and I remember two things. #1 It hurt! #2 It seemed to cause a lot of tension though it claims to do the opposite. Could you ask your brother if it affects him in either of these ways? Cause if it doesn't I will surely try it. I'm willing to try anything at this point. I took my T3 dose twice yesterday, which is more than usual and I have serious T3 hangover this morning. Something I could do without(let me put it this way-I just rolled out of bed after 11 hours of sleep!).
And thanks, she sure is a cool kid. I kind of wish she wasn't so cool cause then she might want to live up here in the Yukon with us instead of the city where all her concerts and piercing parlours are:)
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