So last Saturday we got a new dog from the Humane Society. Her name is Honey Bear and she's very sweet but very timid. She's coming around though. Hopefully by the time I get back she'll be comfortable enough to go for walks with us. She actually hasn't been under her chair at all today. Progress. Anyways, I'm off to the big city for a few days. Later.
Well, gee whiz, if that terrifying cat was on top of my chair I wouldn't come out either.
I hope all turns out well with her. Both of our dogs came from the humane society too. The first was just a puppy when we got him so he didn't have much baggage but the 2nd was about 6 months old and clearly had some issues. Some patience and hard work and she's really come around though. I'm sure Honey Bear will too.
We have a timid dog. She was 5 month old when we got her from a rescue and I know she hadn't been treated well. She's now 2 1/2 and doing very well, but she is shy around new people and terrified of children. It takes a lot of love and patience, but it will be worth it.
Okay, just a quick reply before I run to catch my plane (I'm chronically missing flights but that's a story for another post).
Phollower: Thanks for the positivity. Honey Bear is a sled dog which makes bringing her out of her shell and getting her used to people and the indoors and freedom quite a challenge. Hopefully though, once the snow has come to stay, Scott will be able to take her skijoring (cross between skiing and dog-sledding). I think she might like that.
Zoe: Thanks for stopping by. I had a chance to peruse your blog and am thoroughly enjoying it. Especially now that I know Phollowers name! Ha ha ha (evil laugh). Also, I love your haircut. I think you look a little like Jody Foster a few years back. And thanks for the words of support for our new family member. Turns out she loves cats. Seems odd, doesn't it?
I'm glad you are enjoying my blog. I promise to be nothing more than mediocre at best. I really enjoy your blog too. I have these romantic notions about living somewhere where like you do, but I have to face the harsh reality, I need to a city.
The skijoring sounds like fun. I always thought dog-sledding would be excellent, maybe someday.
It is surprising that the dog likes the cat, but it's a nice one. Good luck.
Actually, the name I used on Zoe's blog isn't my name either. Zoe made up names for all of her real-life friends in an attempt to keep people she knows who she didn't want reading about her inner thoughts from finding her blog. It has worked with mixed success. My real name is easy enough to find though since I use Phollower for just about everything. If this creates any sort of stalking I'm fairly certain my stalker will die of boredom long before he/she decides to do anything bad to me. Joke's on them.
How very cute!
And with a face like that and a name like, Honey Bear? Yeah, I'd be all heart melty in love!
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