Another Games Night
Had a games afternoon/evening with our friends Steve and Justine, and Blair (Kim had marking to do:(. We started off the evening with a rousing game of Klondike. How cool to play an old game based on where you live-this one courtesy of Blair. We also played Ticket to Ride: Europe, and Justine's new fave: Jeopardy (I was Alex and Scott kicked butt). We ended our evening of games and margaritas with Puerto Rico, a wicked game with no chance involved at all, only strategy. I highly recommend it.
So, obviously Blogger is suddenly letting me post pics again. Hopefully it lasts. I'm back to my Biology now. Talk to you all soon. Thanks for visiting.
Hey, sorry I haven't stopped by in a while. Glad you're enjoying the games. Puerto Rico is probably my all time favorite. We recently discovered the game "Ra". It is absolutely excellent. I have a little write up about it on my (recently underused) blog. I'll be putting up more posts about other recently played games too when I get to it. There have been a lot lately.
One non-game related comment. Does the marking that Kim had to do involve lifting her leg and spraying anything? Just checking because I'll plan my visit for a time of year when she's not in heat or whatever causes that.
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