Sunday, December 03, 2006

Maybe it's time to move to another Country

I've always been so proud to be a Canadian...that is until lately. Have you all read the news today? (sorry, for some reason I can't make the link) They're going to vote on same-sex marriage again on Wednesday. No, not vote on whether or not to reopen the issue. The motion asks: "that this House call on the government to introduce legislation to restore the traditional definition of marriage without affecting civil unions and while respecting existing same-sex marriages.” I ask you, what the fuck?! I agree with some of the comments posted on this article in the globe and mail-next thing you know they'll be bringing back the "tradition" of women not being allowed to vote, and other such issues. This is just wrong. Why is our government doing this, you might ask? Well, it probably has something to do with the massive religious support the Conservatives get. But aren't there rules about keeping church and state separate? It is these people, these Christian/Catholic zealots, that are causing social unrest in our country, not the gays. To me it's like saying that black people cannot get married in this country because they are different than the majority. And hey, don't think that couldn't happen-what better way to bring back the "tradition" of keeping slaves? And don't tell me that slavery wasn't a Canadian tradition, I know that, but neither is marriage. Nor is it purely a Christian tradition. Man and woman have been traditionally paired together for one reason and one reason only: survival of the species. This isn't really a pressing issue right now in case you hadn't noticed. And with the ridiculous growth in population that we've seen these past couple of generations we can't really seriously think that a small percentage (gays) that can't reproduce in the traditional way (as is also the case with many man/woman couples) are a threat to our survival? There are much more serious threats brewing that should be getting the full attention of our governments: our environment, crimes against humanity (Bush!), terrorism (Bush!), etc. This brand of facism we are seeing in our governmentis not what we want in our country. We are better than that. I have no problem with religion as a personal thing, don't get me wrong-there is tonnes of good being done out there because of those folks but when you get together with a large group of people and then, amongst yourselves decide that your beliefs are right and everyone else's beliefs are wrong and therefore they should not have the same rights as your group unless they conform-well, that's just pure ignorance and if you look at it with a logical and open mind I'm quite sure you'll see it the same way. Can't we all just love one another? Really? Don't let Harper do this. Speak up! Write letters! Do whatever you can to tell our goverment to stop prying into our private lives and to keep religion and goverment separate.

Thanks for your patience during my rant. I truly hope that if you are supporting the current goverment that you try to put yourself in someone elses shoes for awhile and realize that just because you want something doesn't make it a good thing for others.


Blogger Unknown said...

I can't hotlink to my photobucket account from here, so you get this instead (take the extra space out after "p18"): /captevil_photos/GayMarriagevsBlkWhite.gif

You don't suppose the Conservatives are trying to take attention away from the new Liberal Leadership 'eh?

10:49 PM PST  
Blogger Phollower said...

S&L- Well put. The Spousal Unit and I have considered moving to Canada to escape the anti-everything-except-the-white-male-christian-majority stance that tends to prevail but now we may end up having to move to, ummm, I'm not sure where.

7:02 AM PST  
Blogger Zoe said...

Well where would you move to? BP and I were going to move to Canada so we could escape the theocracy that has become the US government, and so we could marry of course. But now what do we do?

Just because they don't allow us to marry, doesn't mean we will cease to exist. We are 10 percent of the population, and believe it or not it is not a choice. I mean really, would you choose to live a life where you are discriminated against, and not allowed to marry the person you love? I really don't understand why people can not see that this is a civil rights issue, and a property rights issue. I don't really care if you don't want to call it marraige, but give me the rights of marraige. My partner and I have been together for 14 years, how does that destroy the legal contact of anyone elses marraige? Lets take a look at no fault divorce, what do you suppose that has done for marraige.

I could really go on and on about this subject but I'm really not collected enough to make a coherant arguement at the moment, and honestly I doubt anyone really cares.

12:44 PM PST  
Blogger Scott said...

thanks andrew: unfortunately the address is too long for people to get it here but, if you don't mind, I would like to put that pic up on the blog. Let me know if you have a problem with that.

Phollower: I don't know where to go. I still feel totally confused as to how the people of our respective countries have allowed things to get to this point. Bush must have let Harper in on some of his secrets: either how to win the votes of the people or how to rig the polls. I'm leaning toward the latter.

Zoe: I don't know exactly where you live and if it's feasible, but if you were to come here right now and get married then you might be okay. They're saying they'll respect the marriages that have already taken place. I don't believe a word they say though.
You're absolutely right in everything you say and people do care. We care. We hate to see anyone's rights violated. And as far as your comment on property rights goes, we also totally agree. We're not even married but because we're "common law" we have more rights to each others estates than you guys do and we've only been together a couple of years. It's bullshit. Feel free to go on and on about this subject. You have every right to and believe me, we're listening.

12:59 PM PST  

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