Early Christmas

So last night we did a smaller version of games night. In this pic you see Scott, Steve, Justine, and that's Blair with his back to us. It was like Christmas when our games arrived yesterday: you can see the Settlers of Catan with expansion and T2R:E on the table. What we're playing is Carcassonne with the following expansions: the tower, traders and builders, inns and cathedrals and the Count of Carcassonne. The only one left to add is the Princess and the Dragon. We didn't get to the other games as this one took us nearly 4 hours, surprisingly. And we got a late start do to a visit by CJ to pick up her dog (Deuce was playing here all day) and to Justine and Steve's late arrival. So Scott is a tired boy today. Oh well, good times.
Hope all is well for you people living in the rest of the world (we feel so very cut off here...but in a good way). I hear southern BC is getting hit pretty hard by the weather...can't say you weren't warned. It's only gonna get worse due to global warming. You wouldn't know it here right now though: it's minus 35 (that's Celcius) as we speak and I get to walk to town shortly. Lucky me. That's okay. I've got my parka and my yak trax and my long underwear and my two pairs of mittens and my neck gaiter and my scarf and my toque and my Carhartt -30 socks. I think I'm set. It's like an art...avoiding frostbite, that is. You have to make your gaiter and scarf cover nearly every inch of your face and even then you can't go fast for risk of the bite. You have to be sure that there's no exposed skin anywhere and you have to do that before you go out because you do not want to have to take your mittens off to adjust your clothes once you're outside. Another thing I learned this year. It's true what they say about touching metal in this cold. I took a piece of skin off my hand last week on a store's doorhandle and several times I've been slightly stuck to the clasp on the dog chain. Like I said before, good times. Later.
We don't have the Count. We have the Princess and the Dragon but aren't as fond of it as the others so we leave it out. Maybe you'll love it. Who knows?
Let us know what you think of T2R:E. The Spousal Unit would love to have recruited another victim, I mean, player. If you like it we can play on-line sometime!
Ummm, it's really pretty cold up there isn't it? I think I could get used to that. I don't mind bundling up, in fact I sort of like it. And there's no better excuse to sit and play games than, "It's too cold to leave the house." Unless you need to leave to go to someone else's house who has more games. That's different.
Phollower: The Count was an interesting expansion; we'll let you know about the Pricess and the Dragon after we play it this Saturday (gonna have a houseful for another games night by request). We play T2R:E last night a couple of times and really enjoyed it. We have yet to play Settlers of Catan. I'm babysitting tonight so Scott and I will play it then.
As far as going elsewhere for games night-that wouldn't be so bad. In fact our friends, Kim and Blair, they have dozens of old 70's boardgames. And often, they walk up to our place (quite a hike in the cold=40 minutes up to our house, 20 minutes back). It's not so bad if you're prepared.
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