Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Games! Games! Games!

Tonight we decided to spend my birthday money (yes, I know, I'm turning 31 and I still get birthday money from my Grandpa whom I haven't seen in years)on...you guessed it! Games! We ordered nearly every Carcassonne expansion we could find: 4 in fact, Settlers of Catan with the Knights and Castles expansion, and Ticket to Ride: Europe. I hope my fellow game-geek bloggers will approve. Thanks Phollower for your recommendations. You've turned us Magic Geeks into Euro-boardgame addicts too.

So things here are obviously mostly fun and games. Life is sweet. It's freakin' cold outside though. It got to -39 earlier today. Scott is currently finishing the plasticing of the windows: not just for trailer trash up here...no sir. I walked to school this afternoon; my cheeks were burning cold by the time I got there. It's too easy to get frostbite at these temps, you have to cover every inch of skin. Unless you've lived here for years, I guess. The longer you live here, the more impervious to the cold you become, it seems. People walking around with no scarf or no neck gaitor. Crazy. I was bundled until i could barely move, I assure you. Even the dogs want in after a few minutes.

Hope everyone else is good. I'm surprised nobody commented on our video. I thought it was an open invitation to make fun of us. Oh well. Bye!


Blogger Phollower said...

Excellent... you have been turned to the dark side. You are one of us now. Please just deposit your paycheck into the account of your favorite game store. You won't be seeing any of it.

Which expansions did you get? We use "Inns and Cathedrals" (probably the most important one due to the introduction of the Double Follower), King & Scout, and Traders and Builders which adds a whole bunch of new tiles and a couple new twists as well. We have The Princess and Dragon but we don't like it so we don't use it. That's one of the great parts about Carcassonne: you can use whichever expansions you like and leave out the ones you don't.

Sylvia will be thrilled that you got T2R:E. That's her favorite.

OK, so now you'll need a few more suggestions, huh? You can't be a true Euro-game nut until you own Puerto Rico. This is pretty much the greatest game in the universe. Very strategic with virtually no luck involved. It's easy to play after you've played once. The rules aren't hard but there are a lot of little buildings that each do different things so it takes the first playing to really get a feel for it. You will then want to play again. And again. And then you'll bolt your front door so no one can leave. Each turn really fills you with anticipation as you're waiting to see what the others do so you can do what you want to do, unless of course they do it first, which means you'll have to do something else to foil their little plan... There's very little downtime (time when you're waiting for your turn) and eveything you do feels really important. It's awesome and not too long of a game either. About 60-90 minutes with 4 players who know the rules already.

We've already mentioned Shadows Over Camelot to you. This one is pretty high on my current favorite list right now. Probably because I haven't won yet. Lots of very tense decisions and the game has been close both times we played.

Let's see, another good one is Tigris and Euphrates. This is another one of Sylvia's favorites. I'll have to admit that I wasn't crazy about it the first time we played but I like it more and more each time and now it's one of my favorites too. We don't get to play it as often as I'd like, but I guess that could be said for games in general.

And some lighter fare: My favorite "filler" game is For Sale. Great with 3 or 4 players. A game takes about 15 minutes but it's filled with bidding and bluffing and it's a lot of fun. It rarely gets played only once when it hits the table.

A 2 player suggestion you say? Try Lost Cities. It has very little to do with cities which are lost but it is a lot of fun. It's for 2 players only though.

So there you are. Have fun, keep warm, and we'll get together and play sometime. In the summer preferably.

8:39 AM PST  
Blogger Zoe said...

While I'm not a huge Puerto Rico fan, I do love Citadels. If you are fans of Order of the Stick, then you'd probably like the OOTS game.

8:37 PM PST  
Blogger Phollower said...

S&L- I meant to tell you, the Spousal Unit and I dressed up as a couple of the followers from Carcassonne for Halloween. If I get any pictures from Zoe or anyone else I'll post them on my blog. But until then if you just picture a tall dorky guy in a poorly sewn and even more poorly designed fleece follower outfit that would be me.

8:58 AM PST  

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