Here is a picture of me having just got home from work (I was the learning assistance lady today). You can see how pink the sky is reflected in the window. It's so warm that it's no big deal to have the door open! -1 currently. We've had days where we got up to 6 degrees! Global warming is a scary thing, just ask the folks in Alberta. They haven't had any accumulation of snow this year as I understand it! Well...and here in Dawson it's February and it's no where near -30. I don't know about you but I am terrified at the implications.
I'm enjoying your tales. In my youth, during the mid '70s I lived in Fairbanks,AK for a couple of years, during the pipeline construction. Drove through Dawson a couple of times. Spent one very wet night in the campground across the river. Turned out I had a river running through my tent that night!! Good to know the youth of North America is still seeking out wonderful adventures. Have fun forever!!!
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