Today we took Milo for a walk to Crocus Bluffs. It's a couple of km down the mountain and overlooks the confluence of the Klondike and the Yukon. This pic is taken on the trail just below our driveway. Milo is so well behaved. He stayed with us the entire time with the exception of when we passed two ladies with three dogs on the trail at which time Milo insisted for only a minute that he be allowed to have a visit with them. It was all on friendly terms though. He really doesn't even need a leash. We bought him tons of toys and treats today and he seems to appreciate each and every one. Hope you enjoy the rest of the pics from our sunset walk.
It looks like you have a pretty awesome life in Dawson. The dog sounds wonderful, and you sound very happy with your work and your partnership. It's great to see you so happy. I love the pictures. It gives me a bit of perspective about your life and your surroundings.
:) Keep smiling...
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