Monday, January 30, 2006

Picking up Hitchhikers

So, yesterday we decided to go for a Sunday drive up the Dempster a short ways. On the way back we see a guy in snowshoes pulling a very heavy looking sled just past the Dempster about 40 km from Dawson. We stopped and offered him a ride, thinking that with a sled that size not many people would be capable of helping him out. We load him into the van (barely...big sled) and head back to Dawson. Turns out his name is Jacob and he is from back east and has been travelling, on foot, across Canada for 4 years! And this is his first time up here! Well, you all know how I am. By the time we get back to Dawson I've invited him up for a hot meal and nearly the best view in Dawson. Turns out he's a really interesting guy. Same age as us. His plan is to go up the Dempster as far as he can...brave fellow. We hung out, had dinner and, instead of giving him some firewood and sending him on his way, we decided to give him a warm place to spend the night. We have a spare room and since none of you are currently using it, I figured, why not? And this morning we made the decision to leave him here when we went to school before 8 am. You all are thinking we're nuts, I know. But you know what? When we got home this afternoon all was well. Nothing stolen. Everything was clean and tidy. If I was hitchhiking/walking across the country I'd want to be picked up by people like us, wouldn't you? So I say: give hitchhikers a chance. lol. Not all of them are axe murderers. We wish him the best of luck and hope to see him again.


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