Friday, January 13, 2006

Okay guys. Sorry I couldn't write more yesterday but it was hectic, what with both Scott and I being at the school until almost 5:30 (he for skills club, me for homework club), picking our new dog up at 6:30 and having friends over for Magic at 7:30. Yukon time my ass.

Anyways, I thought it was about time I caught you all up on what we're doing these days. Scott has just started a second semester and I think this one will give him maybe a little more time to breathe. He's teaching Health and Personal Planning-grades 7 and 8, I think, P.E.-high school aged kids), Tutorial 7, and senior shop...And he's got preps! Yay! I'll make sure I come back and correct any mistakes I make here after Scott arrives home, he's at the audition of 'Rats', a production that himself and the librarian/Grade 3 teacher are putting on. So between that and his Skills Club, he doesn't mind that I am at the school Mon-Thursday until 5:30 doing homework club and tutoring. I'm just filling in for the great lady that does them normally while they are on vacation until mid-March. I'm also getting tons and tons of subbing work-I was some semblance of a Kindergarten teacher again today!

I mentioned in a previous post that I'm also volunteering at the Humane Society now, which is totally gratifying and I highly recommend it. Just walking a bunch of dogs is so entertaining and good for your soul. They stay so happy and appreciative while living in cages because they've been abandoned or abused-they just seem to know you are there to help them out. And of course, if you've been following things for the last couple of days you know that we fell in love and brought one home-well, two technically. But the first one, Loki, just didn't work out. So now we have Milo and Milo is so flipping adorable! He likes to throw himself down the driveway like it's a slide (hard packed snow)! He's been so good with our cats and he likes nothing better than to play ball, we've discovered. He will return that ball right to you a billion times and when you are distracted he throws it up in the air himself (with his mouth, of course) and proceeds to chase it! It's wonderful.

Today was a bit frustrating. Because I got called to sub last minute Milo had to stay by himself today and we left at 7:30am because I had the Breakfast Program at the school. We dashed home at lunch to find that Milo had ripped up the piece of carpet by the door and ripped the plastic off of two windows! Trying to get out to come with us, I think. And so we chained him up on the porch for the afternoon but when I arrived home he'd actually dragged a half a case of beer off of the porch, down the steps and into the driveway and worse! The door was wide open! It doesn't always latch and he must have pushed it open though he couldn't get very far in with his cable! But it was freezing! 42 degrees! The spilled water from the cat dish (Simon does love to play in it) was frozen on the floor like a little ice rink! And to top it off the cold must have made the smoke detector malfunction because it was going off! Damn good thing I can build a quick, efficient fire, but with the plastic off the windows, it's only just now-3 hours later that it's up to room temperature!

I know, I know. I ramble. But I'll stop now. I just want to say congratulations to Jade and Sharon, who have become engaged! I personally haven't met either of them but they're probably pretty cool if they're Scott's friends!! I hope everybody else is at least nearly as happy as they must be! Take care folks.


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