Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A sad decision and a funny story

Hi everybody. Today is a sad day. Last night Loki tried to eat Khan, our littlest cat. Then, after getting in shit, he continued to stalk 2 of our 3 cats(not even a big dog will mess with Simon. I mean, would you?) for the remainder of the night. So... Loki has to go back. Our one rule was that whatever dog we got would not hurt our cats. I spent today volunteering at the Humane Society, where we got Loki, and decided that we would give Milo a try. He's young,maybe 2, and very happy and hyper and very eager to please and he responds immediately to a number of commands. I have enjoyed Milo's company on my visits to the Humane Society immensely-he's really entertaining..His favorite thing is to hold the leash: So today I'm walking the two puppies, Wasabi and Tobeko, Milo, and Bailey-who is a very very hyperactive young pit bull. I start off with Bailey and Wasabi on leashes which I intend to take off after we are off the beaten path but they are too crazy and almost immediately become tangled. Just when I've almost got them untangled, Bailey pulls her leash free and starts to take off. Well, little Milo wasn't having any of that. He promptly grabs my falling end of Bailey's leash in his teeth, turns around, and starts running. Now, Milo's very well behaved and slows almost to where I can grab the leash a number of times on command but is just too excited and Bailey is a pulling force, running full speed ahead so I never quite get the leash. That is, not until we turn the corner where I had intended on removing those leashes anyways! That was where Milo and Bailey both stopped and waited patiently while I undid Bailey's leash. After that, Milo only walked me for a couple of minutes before running off to join his pals playing in the snow.

Anyways, the point to this post was that tomorrow Loki will be returning to his life at the Humane Society and Milo will be coming to see if he can get along with our cats. I'll post pics asap. I promise.


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