Perfect Boyfriends

This is going to be a feel good post so if you don't want to feel good you need to go away. This post was inspired by last night's evening of fondue (next post) and amazing aurora. It's really suprising just how romantic standing under the northern lights can make you feel:) It's no wonder really, how easily Northern Exposure (best show ever-it's why I live here) started the rumour that the Japanese flock to the north to concieve their children under the aurora. Anyway...
I've been reading some other blogs in the rare moments I take to myself. It's interesting to get a good look into strangers heads. One of the things that leaves an impression is that some people think that they are not going to get the person they dream of (or the job they dream of )and so they go off in different directions and end up settling. This is just wrong! I've had a different boyfriend for almost every year of my adult life. Not because I can't keep a man but because I figure I don't want to waste my time with someone that doesn't feel right.(same goes with jobs). But look at me now. I got off my butt and found the man I was looking for (internet dating is brilliant) and I really could not have done any better. Really. Most of you know that I hurt myself pretty badly a couple of years the point where I had to become dependent on someone else to do many things for me. And Scott has never complained-which is amazing when you consider just how much wood one must chop to get through a winter in Dawson. He doesn't see me as less of a person and he just patiently waits for me to get fixed. But you know, even if I never get fixed I think he would love me anyways. He's watched me put on more than 40 lbs, be terribly depressed due to my body's inabilities, and still he loves me. And he's hot, too. I feel like the luckiest girl on the planet. So today's post is a tribute to the best boyfriend ever. Don't ever settle, ladies. If you keep your options open the right one will come along....wait! Let me rephrase that: He might come along but more likely you have to go find him. And then you can move to Dawson and live happily ever after! lol.
way to go Lynne, thanks for the honesty. If we all could be so keep hope alive
I love feel good posts and I love it when I hear another woman spout the same wisdom I spout which is: don't settle!!!
God, but I do hate it when I see (and hear) it!
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