So we went to Whitehorse this long weekend. It was a pleasant drive, we only saw the moose at Henderson's corner and then a coyote in Whitehorse. We did a little shopping, went for some walks, and found some beautiful drives to get us back out of the city. We spent quite a bit of time in the music store picking out a hand drum since I can get lessons from my friend Kim, the music teacher. I picked this cool Tubano which I started learning to play last night. While we were in the store Scott picked up a banjo and started playing it like he already knew how so we went back the next day and got it for him for his birthday. I know it's a little early but we don't plan on being back that way until school's over now. And if he has it now then he'll be making music by his birthday. I know our instruments don't go together but we'll have fun regardless. Besides, my drum and his didgeridoo or throat singing will be wicked. Anyways...hope you all are having as much fun as we are. One more week until Spring break here! Of course, at -31 it's not quite feeling like Spring yet.
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